Gen.G holds off possible reverse sweep by DWG KIA – LoL Worlds 2022

In the closest series we have seen thus far, LCK reigning champions Gen.G barely survived the onslaught and almost reverse sweep created by DWG KIA.

Game 1 was marked by an unusual pick for Canyon in the jungle, as a counter to Maokai DWG KIA decided to opt for Kayn. Kayn as a champion is well known to have incredible matchups against heavy tanks, however every single time he gets picked in competitive play sadly ends in a loss with just a couple of wins throughout the scene.

In order to sustain the mid range dive composition created by DWG KIA, Chovy decided to play an unusual setup/supportive pick in Ryze. Ultimately this was the catalyst for Gen.G to take game 1, as early skirmishes were plentiful and dominated thanks to the continuous CC provided by this pick.

Going into game 2, the series continued with the same story as before. Gen.G was able to take for the second time Yuumi as their support, paired with Miss Fortune it was a stable early game duo against DWG KIA’s bot lane of Lucian plus Nami. This time around the game was close than before, nevertheless Gen.G showed incredible adaptability while positioning during teamfights. With Chovy’s Yone finding incredible angles to attack the backline in tandem with Peanut’s Sejuani. At last Gen.G took game 2 after a couple of missed fights, however we all knew DWG KIA looked better this time around and were not going to get fully sweeped.

Game 3 saw DWG KIA come back with a statement to make, as Korea’s third seed absolutely demolished Gen.G without any kind of difficulty. Showmaker brought his staple Swain into the Rift, this helped Canyon’s Viego and Nuguri’s Sejuani to play aggressively in the early game. Canyon was able to grab quick 4 kills in the first 10 minutes of the game, becoming extremely fed by the mid game teamfights. Once both teams met for the first 5 versus 5 fight, DWG KIA simply walked over the enemy composition, solidifying their first win in the series and looking up for more.

After a brief pause we started Game 4 with the same story as the previous match, with DWG KIA opting for an aggressive top/jungle/mid trio in order to push for an early advantage. This time around DWG KIA landed their picks in Renekton, Viego, Leblanc which ultimately had a similar effect as before creating a huge advantage for Canyon’s Viego who ended with a 4/1/5 scoreline.

When their backs were against the wall Gen.G decided to take a breather in the pause room and look for any resemblance of composure to stop the bleeding. Their key to victory was clear, Chovy and Ruler will save us all. With a swift first rotation ban of Viego against Canyon, he decided to attempt his Viego pick one more time for Game 5 paired with another aggressive Showmaker pick in Syndra. This game was slower than any other in the series, with both teams looking to scale due to their picks. During this process Chovy’s Viktor looked to farm heavily in the side lanes, which put him way above Showmaker in terms of resources. After a couple of incredibly close teamfights, a single ultimate from Peanut’s Sejuani was more than enough for both Chovy and Ruler to clean up the fight in a matter of seconds. Thus punching their way into the semifinals after a grueling 5 game series.
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