How Is Death Knight Doing In Hearthstone So Far?

How Is Death Knight Doing In Hearthstone So Far?

It has been quite a while since Hearthstone got a new class, and Death Knight is finally here. Not only was everyone excited about a new class, but the part where Death Knights have their own systems makes them completely different from everyone else. While Death Knights are definitely exciting, how are they doing in the meta?

Death Knights Are Quite Strong

When you look at a site like, you might notice that Death Knights are the second worst class for standard when it comes to win rate. But there is more than meets the eye, as they have quite a nice bunch of decks that go over 50%.

Why is the overall win rate so low you may wonder? Well, it turns out, that the decks that Blizzard gives to players when they unlock the class are not very good. In fact, they are probably some of the worst recipe decks available right now, as Forst Death Knight and Blood Death Knight have 29.3% and 32% win rates, respectively. The default Unholy Death Knight is doing a bit better, but the win rate is still 46%.

Image Credit | Blizzard

Of course, once the default decks that most players are playing are kicked out of the equation, Death Knight is doing pretty good. The most popular deck, which is a Blood Death Knight variation, has a 55.5% win rate in over 16000 games played. There are some different versions of the best Hearthstone decks that have over 60% win rate as well.

While the Blood decks are definitely the most popular ones, there are a few Frost and Unholy ones that have high win rates. Here is the list of the decks to try out:

Blood Death Knight


Frost Death Knight


Unholy Death Knight


Log in for free packs!

Since the holiday season is upon us, everyone who logs into Hearthstone is going to receive ten free packs for Standard. While the packs are not from the new March of the Lich King expansion, you will be receiving two packs for each other expansion that is active in standard, from Murder in Castle Nathria all the way to Forged in the Barrens. Of course, players who log in now, if they have not been active in Hearthstone for some time, are also going to receive up to 150 free packs.

Enjoy the holidays with special events

There are currently two events active in Hearthstone. One of them is the launch of the Death Knight class, where you play Death Knight and progress through the missions, you will unlock some goodies like signature cards and packs, and once you complete the event track, you will receive a special Lich King-themed card back.

The other event is related to Battlegrounds, and it is the return of something that we had for Halloween. You will receive one reward from the smash wall for free, and if you purchase access to obtain more golden hammers, you can unlock a bunch of other things themed around Christmas.

This is the perfect time to play Hearthstone and get familiar with the new cards, as starting on December 16th, the Hearthstone World Championship 2022 is going to begin!